
We advise our clients on how to increase the value of their companies. The result of our work is a plan for increasing company value. To this end, we can carry out an initial analysis of a company’s potential on the basis of data and information, without going into the company. However, our experience shows that taking stock from within the organisation is much more effective. We can carry this out without unsettling the team.

We analyse the company in all possible ways to enhance its value, especially with regard to its growth and profitability. Using the knowledge we have gained, we create a practical plan for leveraging the company’s potential. We then support the existing management as consultants and coaches during implementation of the plan. However, we are also at the disposition to take direct line responsibility for a defined period of time to sustainably implement the plan’s measures.

On the one hand, we offer value enhancement consulting for the pre-merger phase. This provides support in determining and negotiating the purchase price. This service is also relevant for the post-merger phase, as we can then identify further potential for increasing value.

Validation of an existing plan for value enhancement

In the pre-merger phase, while due diligence is under way, we validate an existing consulting plan with regard to its later operational implementation. This gives our clients decisive time and cost advantages, as well as increased planning security. Drawing on this validation, we work with our clients to draw up a project plan for implementation, which we are happy to lead on.

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