Turnaround and restructuring2019-07-08T17:18:07+02:00

Turnaround and restructuring

Area: Turnaround
We take companies that have suffered chronically from weak earnings back to profitability. We bring companies with long-term liquidity weaknesses to a situation where they have sufficient financial resources.We always do this with a view to sustainable value enhancement.

We achieve this through the following measures:

  • Sales performance programmes, in which we rigorously and leanly align sales to the market and the client, develop and implement multi-channel strategies, and check CRM systems and use them if appropriate

  • Profit improvement programmes, in which we rigorously analyse the company, radically reduce costs and take advantage of new opportunities

  • Cash improvement programmes, in which we systematically subordinate everything to improving the company’s internal cash situation in the short term, in particular by reducing its working capital, and at the same time open up new external cash sources

Area: Restructuring
Comprehensive restructuring may be necessary to sustainably free companies from difficult situations and make them fit for the future. We develop the concepts for this and implement them or implement concepts developed through consultation after our practitioner validation.

Examples of this are:

  • Alignment of the company towards new markets

  • Alignment of sales to weighted distribution

  • Reorganisation of the sales department

  • Realignment of the company to the digital environment

  • Relocation of production

  • Centralisation or outsourcing of internal functions

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